If you're going back to a 'programming languages' solution, you could also
take a look at root (http://root.cern.ch), which has been providing event
handling, statistics and graphing for the High Energy Physics community (it
can actually do a lot more than that). It works as a C++ interactive
interpreter but you can also compile your code with your favorite (well...)
compiler. It is also multiplatform (Windows, Linux, Mac). It has a bit of a
learning curve, but once you're done you got even better at C++, not some
proprietary language.
Not everyone in the HEP community considers ROOT to be a blessing. I
know, as I am one of them.
Root have many criticisms, see
for some (not all) details. My personal least favourite features are the
tendency to reinvent everything and the general lack of compatibility
with STL.
Also, CINT (the C++ interpreter) is not all it is cracked up to be. My
personal opinion is C++ is not a good language to try and write an
interpreter for. CINT has tried and as a consequence allows non-valid
C++ code through. This means CINT is a bad forum to learn C++, as you
aren't aware of what it is doing right and wrong.
just a few words of warning.