At 07:20 AM Friday, 11/23/2007, you wrote -=>
I made a monitor from my machine (CentOS 4.5) to do an http to a machine
retrieve some info to see if a process is running (on this remote
machine I have
a task running so it is easy to get the info from my machine).
If I cannot access the remote machine, my machine sends mail to me
and a couple
other people saying the machine is unreachable. My cronjob runs
every 5 minutes.
Juts occured to me now though that if our network goes down, my
machine will be
sending mail every 5 minutes saying the machine is
unreachable. These messages
will get stored on my machine and all get sent when it comes up.
I am wondering whether someone knows how to cancel mail that is
queued on a machine, so it
doesn't all get sent out. I do have root access.
Webmin is the easiest option for sure...
If you are running sendmail, look at a tool called qtool in the
contrib subdirectory of the Sendmail source code distribution.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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