this seems to me a bug I see for ages in fedora but happens in f8, too.
But maybe I'm doing somthing wrong?
Sys: Core2 Duo, 2GB RAM, 2 SATA discs in AHCI mode
1st disc: VISTA + XP
2nd disc: Linux; sdb1: /boot partition, Rest LVM
- I use the VISTA bootmanager in sda MBR to boot Vista, XP and Linux
setup with BCDedit.
- I install GRUB into the sdb1 partition.
Now the problems...
device.map has the wrong disc ordering:
(hd1) /dev/sda
(hd0) /dev/sdb
grub.conf is borked:
all references to the root partition are root(hd0,0) instead of (hd1,0)
If I fix both files, run # grub-install /dev/sdb1 I can boot F8 fine.
Why is device ordering wrong?