An auspicious begin with fedora 8 :( 1) Tried installing f8 on i6000 using Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso. Install gets no further than 'running /sbin/loader' Nothing further happens. 2) Tried installing f8 on i6000 using Fedora-8-Live-i686.iso. Everything seems to go allright, albeit a bit 'fast'. Strange popups of an empty '/boot' window underway and later of another window with blue icons (I didn't take note of what). No message that '/' was being formatted, only a message for '/boot'. Finished with message that everything was installed. No postinstall configuration (so no user) and cd was not ejected. Very nice. I checked the DVD and CD, both allright. F8 test 3 was on the laptop and had installed with no problems! Alexander