I was not able to get FC7 to automatically mount any of the USB hard drives I have been using for years. I Googled numerous times to find a solution, and the only thing I could determine was that 'hald' was not working properly. I checked and it was not running.:^( I Googled some more and was not able to find anything, and the logs were not indicating why 'hald' was not running. I perused the init scripts and attempted to start it with them, but it kept inicating that it failed, but with no reason. I started 'hald' manually and it ran but still did not automount the drives. I decided to try to disable SElinux from boot by appending selinux=0 to the grub command, and that worked, 'hald' was running and when attaching the USB drives they mounted as expected. I have greped the logs and still can not find any errors, relating to 'hald'. I have not run SElinux in enforcing mode since I installed FC5, and that was a disaster until I set it to permissive. SElinux is like black magic wizardry to me, and although I understand why it is a good thing to have and use, I have not been able to take the enormous amount of time it will take to figure out how to manage or debug it. I am quite surprised that the problem with 'hald' has not come up before. I have never had any luck with bugzilla, and do not intend to waste my time again with it. If others are having the same problem I am and they wish to file a bugzilla, all my best regards to them. All I can offer at this time is a workaround to the problem, which is to disable SElinux, but setting it to permissive may also work.