Hi, two users logged in at the same time on pc A, one user local and the other by x-terminal from pc B on the local network, can play sound under fc6 on the soundcard of pc A if root is doing the commands 'chmod 0660' and 'chown root.audio' on the following files on pc A: /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/midi* \ /dev/mixer* /dev/sequencer* /dev/sound/* /dev/beep* \ /dev/snd/* /dev/adsp* /dev/admm* /dev/aload* \ /dev/amidi* /dev/dmfm* /dev/dmmidi* /dev/sndstat* This little hack doesn't work any more under fedora 7. So what is the trick under f7 to allow two users to play sound alternately if they are logged in at the same time? And what is the meaning of '+' in 'crw-rw----+ 1 root audio 14, 4 16. Okt 06:46 /dev/audio' under f7? Thanks a lot. regards Olaf