Greetings! After my box has been rooted, I decided to put more security into it. After a brand new install and update of F7, I decided to leave SELinux on, and did the 'autorelabel&reboot' thing to make the whole filesystem work. But now, I have problems running httpd and smb services. SELinux is denying access to httpd for the directory /www where html content is placed, and to smb for the directory /home/arhiva/ which should be shared. The typical error in /var/log/messages says: Oct 15 18:42:11 sith setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/smbd (swat_t) "getattr" to /home/arhiva (user_home_dir_t). For complete SELinux messages. run sealert -l 0aa01162-47b3-4934-8687-c10f4f4ca8f3 After I ran the appropriate sealeart command, it told me to try # restorecon -v /home/arhiva which didn't solve the problem. I am a newbie to SELinux, so would prefer not to create local policies etc. What should I do in order to allow access for a typical service to typical directory? Best regards, :-) Marko Marko Vojinovic Institute of Physics University of Belgrade ====================== e-mail: vmarko@xxxxxxxxxxxx