Dario Lesca wrote:
Hi, I have this server HP ProLiant 110 fully up to date:
and when I run poweroff from console, the server shutdown, turn off the power ...
... but then restart !!....
This system have a Tape USB and if I unplug the tape and start the
server the poweroff work fine.
Some week ago I have bugzilla a similar problem:
Summary: Module usb-storage not loaded and poweroff problem
But now the "poweroff problem" Appeared again (the module now is loaded
and the tape work fine).
Someone have get this problem or have a solution or suggest to this problem ?
Go through the BIOS settings, paying close attention to what can wake it
up. Some machines can wake if there's a phone call (modem), a WOL
signal, or something on the PCI bus.
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