Re: Delayed booting problem on F7

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Karl Larsen wrote:
David Timms wrote:
Gordon Messmer wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote:
This morning I started the computer and it stopped for 10 minutes because it could not find cups. It talked about applying iptables but had "never matched protocal" and when it finally came up Thunderbird was broken.
ie: ping k5di
?? Did you try - post the response ?

Even if it the hostname is pingable now, I think it would not have been pingable at the time when Karl had the initial problem. His contents of /etc/resolv.conf showed the comment from dhclient. I'll put down some further possibilities that may have led to this issue {that seemed to resolve itself}.
Since likely a DSL connection to the internet:
- Network cable faulty or partially plugged in {wired} ?

- Assuming a DSL router does the pppoe login:
  - powered off
  - rebooting at the inopportune moment {check the uptime of the router}
?? Did you find how to access the router logs {do you have one} ?

- relogging on due to inactivity timeout {check the router logs - and that it time marks are correct time}
?? Also, does it log giving you an dhcp address ?

  - failed to give out an dhcp address ?
Unfortunately, you would have had to check that at the time of the issue, not after three reboots.
- the received dhcp address has a domain that does not exist {if I set domain in my router's dhcp server as "zzz", then for eg sendmail needs to be able to resolve `hostname`.zzz - it will timeout after 1 minute, try again, time out after the second minute, then sm-client will also timeout - leads to a 3 minute boot delay}.
?? Where you actually getting such a boot delay ? 3 minutes is a long time when your waiting for you PC to boot. Or was the delay at each item longer / shorter ?
# time service sendmail restart

- A change to a PC setting:
  - hostname changed {and not updated in /etc/hosts} ?
  - firewall config change ?
  - package update {less /var/log/yum.log} ?
eg: Sep 28 22:47:50 Updated: iptables-ipv6 - 1.3.8-2.1.fc7.i386
eg: Oct 11 22:54:16 Updated: dbus-glib - 0.73-3.fc7.i386
{it might help us to see the most recent 50 entries from yum.log}
?? No package updates at all in the last two weeks ?
What about 5 weeks ? It would be useful to see the list {maybe attach your yum.log}.
- An issue in a package
  - network manager, dbus, dhclient, iptables ?
Is your PC set for dhcp or static ip address ?

{if dhcp} In system-config-network is the checkbox called "automatically obtain dns information from provider" set ?
Do you use network manager ?

- "fail to find cups and then sendmail":
- The description is poor. A better one might be "the system shows: Starting cups ... and then sits there for some minutes. This also occurred at the starting sendmail / sm-client ... part". It is not that the system can't find either of these programs, but that they are taking more than normal time to startup.
?? Would you agree that my description is a clearer description of what you were seeing ? Can you improve upon it ? {The world is broken would not be a clear description of the symptoms}.
- "Thunderbird was broken"
- There was no further mention of the nature of the issue with thunderbird. Was it delay in getting email ? Were there any error messages ? what exactly was the issue ? Was it delay in starting thunderbird at all ?
?? So there was no issue with thunderbird {at the time} ?

# sestatus says what ?

# grep avc /var/log/messages*  {as another attachment}.

None of the above.
That's a pretty brief response. Even though this issue has cost you some time - would you mind giving responses to the queries I made, especially the ones I left in above ? Thanks

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