Problem with socketpair , AF_UNIX and select call - can anybody through any light on this!

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I have a piece of code that is listening to multiple incoming communications channels over UDP and TCP. This code has set the sockets non-blocking and is using select with a time-out to detect when there is I-O traffic to process.
I wanted to add a socketpair connection from the master process to the 
servers which implement the actual functionality. I created the 
socketpair, set both ends non-blocking and added it to the select set of 
fd's. I get an immediate return saying that the socket is ready to read 
but when I issue a recv I get  -1 (EAGAIN). Nothing I have tried sets 
the required behaviour of only returning when there is 'real' data to read.
Anybody seen this, is it a known problem with Linux kernels? (I am 
currently running
Is there a known work round. I am currently thinking of replacing the 
AF_UNIX socket pair with a mesh of  AF_INET/SOCK_DGRAM/localhost channels.
Regards, Howard.

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