Re: Remixing Fedora 8

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Michael Weiner wrote:
On 10/10/07, *Karl Larsen* <k5di@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:k5di@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
        I have the Red Hat Magazine Google found for me that covers
    "Remixing Fedora 7" and I think it is something my level of Linux
    experience can do with a high degree of success. It looks like
    Pungi is
    the main tool that is command line which is my best way to do things.

         To remix F8 I will need a F8 set up and receiving updates. It
    not be changed by special items that I have in my F7 now. Between now
    and the time this needs to be done, I can get better with the
    tools on F7.

        My goal is to do the re-mix right and send it to the right people
    for inclusion into the normal Fedora distribution system.

actually rather than pungi, look at Revisor for this task

Michael Weiner
Yes Revisor is covered later and since it is a GUI software the story is shown in pictures. It says it is real easy to use, and it uses pungi were needed.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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