Re: 2.6.23 kernel

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Res wrote:
On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Rohan Kulkarni wrote:

        I saw on that the 2.6.23 kernel has been released
but yum update kernel does not update the kernel to that version.When will
it be available for Fedora?
Much safer to remove the fedora ones and only use the 
sources, roll your own, your kernel install will shrink 10 fold and 
IMHO performs better as its compiled against your setup.

That is a real bunch of words that mean little to me. As for "roll your own" this takes me back to Red Hat 5. Then you had no choice. But today I wait for yum update to bring me the one rolled up by the Fedora Experts. I have had good luck with them.
   As for wanting a new kernel, I have one that works real well now. I 
doubt that a new kernel will be an improvement :-)


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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