Re: F7-x86-64 Stopped Booting - GRUB Issue

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Raymond C. Rodgers wrote:
Karl Larsen wrote:
It can be the windows boot loader that is having a problem. I have never heard of that boot loader then calling grub.
I can't find the exact page that I found the information on regarding using Window's boot loader to then load GRUB (here are similar instructions to those I found at the time: ) , but I found this on the Fedora Project's web site: 

In particular, note the "GRUB as a Secondary Boot Loader" section. 
Like I stated in my first email, it may simply be time for me to 
update the boot sector again,  but there have been many kernel updates 
since I last had to do it. (The last time, in fact, was almost 
immediately after I installed F7 on this machine.)
The bottom line is that I had to set it up this way in order to get 
Windows XP and Linux to work. Attempting to set up the partitions 
prior to installation of both, then installing one or other other 
always failed for one reason or another. Most notably, after 
installing Linux (with GRUB on the MBR), Windows would no longer boot 
at all. Using NTLDR to load GRUB was the only way I could find to get 
the two OSes coexisting on the same hardware.
I think you need to set up the simple grub boot for both Linux and Windows. But first you need to get on your Linux.
   Use your rescue mode on the F7 DVD and when up type grub and it 
will get you into the grub mode. Learn what hard drive you have. If 
just one then it is in grub-talk (hd 0) and your Linux will be on 
something like (hd 0,3). Find out which is right.
Now in the grub mode type these:

grub> root (hd 0,3)

grub> setup (hd 0)

If you do not know all this info use fdisk to print out your hard drive.
When I works you will boot up in Linux. Then you can edit 
/boot/grub/grub.conf to let you boot your windows.
Thank you for giving me the instructions on installing GRUB, but I'm very nervous about disturbing Windows again, and thus having to install two OSes again.

Why did grub not boot both windows and Linux after you loaded Linux? In the load sequence it gets to the grub section and ask's if you want it. Then if yes you set up Linux and windows to be booted. Why did this not work?
   You can reload the boot for windows by just running the install CD 
for winXP. You should not ever lose windows.
   Tell us more about your setup. How many hard drives? How did you 
make partitions? Which partitions do you have now? What are the names of 
the partitions, like /dev/sda3 and such?


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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