(F7+Gnome) Printing disabled in Evince and OOo

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I have recently got a problem with printing. In Evince and OOo, the Print button in the print dialog is greyed out, so I can't print from these apps. It seems as if these apps use the same print dialog(?) so maybe there is something wrong with the setup here.
The other apps I have checked use different dialogs, and they are not 
greyed out. I can also print a test page from the printer administration 
tool. It prints fine.
I also tried OOo Writer as root; the print button was still greyed out.

I don't know exactly how long this problem has been present. I did't recognise it as a problem before today, thinking that I had stumbled over a pdf with printing disabled. (Can't pdfs have such a option set?)
I don't understand why this happens, and I haven't been able to find the 
reason myself, so I'm hoping that some of you might be able to help.

Best regards

Frode Petersen

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