sound capture on Fedora 7

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Dear all,

Thanks to all those who suggested fixes to my problem below, re.sound capture on Fedora 7

I have to say that I hadn't noticed the System->Personal->Hardware->Sound; previously I'd noticed the entry on System->Preferences->Hardware->Sound and assumed this (and the volume control on the top bar of screen) was all there was. So this meant that I could unmute the record, amd cancel and up the recording slider to full. However on its own this didn't solve the problem.
So I uninstalled Audacity 1.3, which is the unstable release included in Fedora 7, and installed audacity-1.2.5-3.fc5 RPM for i386 <>
which is the stable version. The 1.2 release worked fine (although the recording mixer level had to up full, interestingly). I notice the recording device is /dev/dsp in 1.2, which is not the default device on the one included in 1.3 (Fedora 7) - although it can be changed to dsp (and that didn't work, surprisingly).

Hope that helps someone as it took me a very frustrating few hours to work out (and clearly isn't the ideal solution).



Andrew Wood, Oxford, England

Message: 5
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2007 16:17:14 +0100
From: Andrew Wood <andrew@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: sound capture on Fedora 7
To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Message-ID: <4706557A.5090509@xxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed


Recently I've installed Audacity to edit audio captured from my mini-disk. The sound card I have is based on a C-Media CMI8738 chipset. There's only one mic socket on the card so I thought this would be a doddle to sample. When it didn't work I thought it was the card so I swapped it for another similar card/chipset.
There is absolutely no sound detectable coming from the mic. The drivers 
I'm using are the standard ones which are provided with Fedora 7.
A look at the Audacity wiki, and the ALSA wiki has provided no clue as 
to what the problem or fix could be. Any suggestions?

Andrew Wood, Oxford, England

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