Re: fedora-list Digest, Vol 44, Issue 30

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Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 12:18:36 +0200
From: "antonio montagnani" <antonio.montagnani@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: F7.91 installation
To: Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>,	"For testers of Fedora Core
	development releases"	<fedora-test-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

I am trying to install Fedora 7.91.
I downloaded DVD , but when I start installation, procedure stops at line:

running /sbin/loader

And another question: anaconda starts very fast, I see a menu for a
really short time, then it goes to the coloured menu with 4 options:
Installation or upggrade (graphic)
installation or upgrade (text)
memory test

No options available??

My harwdare is an Acer Aspire 5720 with an external USB disk:

Shall I post the output of dmesg file????
Try it again, but let it sit for a while. I saw the same thing on one 
attempt at an install of 8rc2. I rebooted and tried again. I got 
distracted at that point by a phone call, and as I talked, I saw it 
suddenly continue.
There is a LONG delay which is probably some some 'wait-for-it' timeout. 
Undoubtedly a structural error as it does not happen with F7.
On the subject of 8rc2, unless I did something wrong on a requested 
reboot after the main install (leave the DVD in, or take it out? I took 
it out) the installer does NOT ask you to create a user....I ended up 
with a graphical boot, which does NOT allow a root user, but NO normal 
user. (Had to switch to a console and mess around a lot with adduser and 

             R. Geoffrey Newbury			
      Tux says: "Be regular. Eat cron flakes."

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