Re: SeaMonkey 1.1.3 and CVE-2007-3845

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Todd Zullinger wrote:
Michael C wrote:
I've just installed Fedora 7 and downloaded Seamonkey, only to find that
the repositories still contain version 1.1.3. This is subject to a
critical, cross-platform vulnerability
( fixed as of
version 1.1.4, released on August 3.

What's the most appropriate means of requesting an update? is the way to make the issue known.  Looking at
the fedora-security audit for F7, it seems that this is already known
but marked as windows specific.
CVE-2007-3845 ignore (firefox) windows specific

If you know this isn't the case, please file a bug report.  Include
the CVE number and any references that show this affects packages as
shipped in Fedora.

Thanks. Re the corresponding vulnerability in Firefox, Fedora
seems to have taken the same view as openSUSE, whilst Ubuntu, Debian and
Slackware provided patches.

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