How to force a (SATA) drive to be sda and the PATA one sdb

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I have the following problem:

a) a laptop with a SATA drive
b) a modular bay in the same laptop where I can fit a DVD, a battery
   or a PATA drive

If the PATA drive is there Fedora 7 recognizes it as /dev/sda and the SATA one as /dev/sdb. Without the PATA one, the SATA one is obviously /dev/sda.
I would like to find a way to force the SATA one to be /dev/sda
always: using labels is only mitigating the issue of the (main) disk flipping name, since some partitions are mounted via autofs which does not accept labels, and others are Windows ones which again cannot be mounted by labels at least to my knowledge.
In short, is there any mean (kernel parameter?) to force the SATA drive 
come first? BTW on Fedora Core 6 this issue was never present.
                 Thanks a lot
                Alfredo Ferrari


|  Alfredo Ferrari                         ||  Tel.: +41.22.767.6119         |
|  C.E.R.N.                                ||  Fax.: +41.22.767.7555         |
|  European Laboratory for Particle Physics||                                |
|  AB Division / ATB Group                 ||  e-mail:                       |
|  1211 Geneva 23                          ||     Alfredo.Ferrari@xxxxxxx    |
|  Switzerland                             ||     Alfredo.Ferrari@xxxxxxxxxx |

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