Re: Desktop Frozen after trying to launch NFS mounted folder fromNautilus

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Hello Peter,

Killing gdm didn't help, restarting the computer did.

Thanks for the quick response,

Roopnarine, Peter wrote:
(Apologies all for top-posting; I am on the road and am forced to use 
my institution's MS webmailer...)
You could always just re-start the machine, but perhaps try this first.
Drop to a terminal (ctl-alt-F1), login, and just kill gdm. Find the PID with "ps -U <username>", and then "kill <PID>" or "kill -9 <PID>".

Peter D. Roopnarine, Assoc. Curator
Dept. of Invertebrate Zoology & Geology
California Academy of Sciences
875 Howard St.
San Francisco CA 94103
Tel. (415)321-8271
FAX  (415)321-8615
Climate change begins and ends at home

-----Original Message-----
From: fedora-list-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Sudheer Satyanarayana
Sent: Tue 10/2/2007 10:09 AM
To: For users of Fedora
Subject: Desktop Frozen after trying to launch NFS mounted folder fromNautilus

I'm using FC6 and GNOME. I had shortcut to an NFS shared folder on my
desktop. Today I clicked the shortcut folder icon on the desktop and
nautilus and desktop froze. I can't launch nautilus. The icons on the
desktop are not visible either. Nothing happens when I right click on
the desktop. Apparently the NFS server is down. I tried
CTRL+ALT+Backspace and then swithing to runlevel 3 and back to runlevel 5.

I still can't launch nautilus and my desktop is blackened. How can I
resolve this?

With Warm Regards,
Sudheer. S

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Sudheer. S

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