Re: F7 and WoW?

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Chris wrote:
On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:32:45 -0700
Konstantin Svist <fry.kun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Chris wrote:
Before I run off and remove my kids Windows2000 OS for Fedora, will
F7 play WoW?  HE wants to play Wow really bad but also wants to try
out Linux.
Both Cedega ( and CrossoverOffice (
support WoW

Wine supports it too, supposedly (, but I've had troubles using wine in Fedora:
I tried running openCanvas in it and it wouldn't work.
CrossoverOffice ran it perfectly and even supports wacom tablets out
of the box.

To reiterate: yes it's possible

Ahh - perfect!

I'll experiment a bit before wiping his drive.

I was playing it until a few months ago using Cedega and my hardware is gefore 7900 GS with 2gigs ram and Athlon64 and WoW works quiet ok at about 40fps 1024x768 res. I would put it that it's down to anywhere between 25% to 50% less performance than on windows depending on where you are in WoW and number of mobs/players in your area.

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