Ekiga - the former gnomemeeting - was the gnome port of MS's netmeeting, so I gave it the first try a couple of months back. It seemed promising, but it was crashing when trying video, apparently due to an alsa bug, which should be fixed now (but I haven't tried the latest). I did get video working with kopete (part of kdenetwork)+ jabber + jasper, but, to my surprise, no audio. I thought I wasn't smart enough to find the right buttons for audio, so I downloaded the source and skimmed through the code and the configuration files, and saw that in fact the audio part was commented out because it was broken, so the version shipped with FC7 has no audio (yet). Surprisingly, after a number of posts to the ffmpeg list, I got ffserver to display images from my camera, over the network. That's geek stuff though, and either ekiga or kopete would be most convenient for conferencing. Looking forward when gaim will have voice and video capabilities.