Re: help moving addresses?

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-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: help moving addresses?
From: Dave Stevens <geek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: For users of Fedora <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 10/01/2007 02:52 PM


I have posted already to the kde-pim list with no response, so am trying here.

I have two computers, old and new running respectively FC5 x86_64 and F7 x86_64. On the old I have kaddressbook 3.5.3. I'd like to move it's 1500 or so contacts to kmail 1.9.7 on the new computer. I can manage the data transfer but what files do I need to move?
I know I can export and reimport but is there something simpler?


How much simpler do you want it? I do not know which file/directory to 
move. It may be faster if I did; but I doubt it. Not knowing the 
back-end way of doing this and knowing that I could export to a single 
file and import that same file into the other system and the fact that I 
really only have to do this once, I would choose the 
export/transfer/import and be done with it.

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