Re: PC bios confused in which harddrive to boot fedora OS: Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media!

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Excalibur Xcalibur wrote:
Please read below:

On 9/30/07, *Karl Larsen* <k5di@xxxxxxxxxx <mailto:k5di@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Excalibur Xcalibur wrote:
    > Hi All,
    >           This is a rather unusual situation. I have a server
    > fedora linux OS with a 650 Gb Seagate Barracuda Harddrive. Now I
    > wanted to mirror the server with an identical harddrive. When I
    > plugged my new harddrive in, I got the message:
    > "Reboot and select proper *boot* device or *insert boot media"
    > *It seems that because it's an identical harddrive (with not OS
    > though), the PC doesn't *see* which one is the correct boot
    > Weird! If a plug a different harddisk than the one with
    the  linux OS,
    > they system boots up. Any clues on how to fix this problem? *
    > *
    > --
    > Peter "Excalibur"
    I rather think the operator is confused. First you need to look at

Well Karl you have to agree that this is confusing.:)
    your bios did to the original HD. Your results make me think your
    old HD
    became another HD in the chain so it looks like /dev/sdb now when
    it was
    /dev/sda when alone in the computer.

Well yeah in a technical way.
        Look at what you bios has done. If these are both IDE drives make
    sure they are not on the same cable.

They are SATA drives. And I only had some molex connectors around. So I used a molex to SATA adapters to connect the drives.
As for the BIOS, it shows two identical drives connected. And they 
both have the same booting code.

They might have been connected on the same molex cable extension. So if I understand correctly, just placing them on totally different cable would solve the problem?

Peter "Excalibur"
Hi Peter, someone has been not letting my answer reach you. This time I send it to you direct.
   First, you need to get real SATA Data Cables. I do not know how you 
got your Molex cable to work. Also I have SATA and my book says that 
only one HD per SATA cable! It can't work like the older IDE drives.
   So get the real cables and I think your problems will vanish.

And to the person who is killing my mail to this list, if your going to use this than make it known so we all know some mail at your whim will disappear!


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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