Martin Marques wrote:
Konstantin Svist wrote:
Tom Weniger wrote:
I have the same BCM chipset which works fine with the latest kernel
(-76). Have you tried to reconfigure wlan0? What does ifconfig output?
There is no wlan0; ifconfig -a does not list the wifi adapter
/var/log/messages only says "bcm43xx driver" when the module is
inserted - and there are no further messages
Add "alias wlan0 bcm43xx" to /etc/modprobe.conf. Remove and insert
again the driver with modprobe. Then check with ifconfig.
Booting into previous kernel (
a) using b43-fwcutter/b43 module combo: /var/log/messages complains
about firmware being wrong (and tells me to go download the exact same
file that I just used)
b) using bcm43xx-fwcutter/bcm43xx module: wlan does not show up
c) using bcm43xx-fwcutter/b43 module: wlan0 shows up and is usable!
None of the combinations work in the latest kernel ( - in
all cases wlan0 does not show up, even setting the alias as you mentioned
Is there any way to diagnose the problem? Nothing shows up in
/var/log/messages at all when I'm using b43 (a lot of messages show up
when doing same in previous kernel)