On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 11:02:52AM +0200, LEONARDO (ROOKIE) wrote: > THERE IS SOME DIFFERENCE WHEN WE USE TO CHECK THE INTEGRITY WITH MD5 OR SHA1UM, I ALWAYS DO WITH MD5, AND THE CHARACTER CHAIN IS DIFFERENT FROM SHA1UM :-o Don't use all upper-case text, it's like shouting. Yes, there is a lot of difference between the two. The algorithm is MD5 or SHA1 depending on the command/file name. Use sha1sum -c SHA1SUM to test the integrity of the files. > > I've downloaded from utorrent, the iso image. > > There are probabilities , that the iso image is corrupted If the torrent download correctly, it's probably ok. Torrent already uses SHA1. -- lfr 0/0
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