Karl Larsen wrote:
I will wear it and just read info dd for about the 4th time in 5
days. The first time I read it I was not aware that dd sends Everything
including the file system. The info dd does not say this.
"Copy a file, converting and formatting according to the operands."
You applied it to a block device. Maybe it would have been worth
knowing what you were doing.
I tried to copy this f7 which is about 8 Gbytes to another partition
that was 10 Gbytes. The transfer failed because the 8 Gbyte f7 was from
a 40 Gbyte partition :-)
If you read everything in info dd you will not see this listed.
10 < 40. Not sure what more needs to be said here.
So it may be time to get the author of the dd info to add something
about large copies and the use of the Rescue CD.
You're serious?