Timothy Murphy wrote:
Vivek J. Patankar wrote:
The symptom is that the page http://www.xyz.com:8022 is not found.
That looks like a problem with the browser not being able to resolve
www.xyz.com. Thy using the IP Address of the server in the URL,
Same result.
I've been trying got get it to work for the past hour or so.
Yes. I got that too. The ajaxterm wiki page says that by default it
accepts connections only from localhost.
I've never tried ajaxterm before. I tried mindterm before but it didn't
quite work out for me. Now that I know from you that something like
ajaxterm exists, I'll be trying it tonight. :-)
Let me know if you have any luck.
I've tried mindterm and ajaxterm, and had no success with either.
I'm beginning to wonder if the reason neither is in Fedora
is because nobody could get them to work under Fedora ...
This is what I have done so far after read a couple of Debian based
howtos. Quick and dirty :-)
1. Install ajaxterm from the tar.gz; ie. ./configure && make && make
install. I think `make` was not necessary, just `make install` would
have done.
2. Started ajaxterm in daemon mode using "ajaxterm -d"
3. Edited /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf and added the below lines just
before "</VirtualHost>" at the end of the file.
ProxyRequests On
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /ajaxterm http://localhost:8022/
4. Accessed https://localhost/ajaxterm . Got errors. Checked
/var/log/httpd/ssl_error_log. Several 404s.
5. ajaxterm.css, ajaxterm.js, sarissa.js & sarissa_dhtml.js needs to be
present in the document root. Done. Tried again and failed. Checked log
and got another 404.
6. There should be a file "u" in the document root, I haven't the
slightest idea why. Did `touch /var/www/html/u`.
7. Tried again and the page loaded just like it did with
http://localhost:8022, minus the black terminal window. Damn.
8. I leave the fight for another day.
I need more brains.
विवेक ज. पाटणकर (Vivek J. Patankar)
Registered Linux User #374218
Fedora release 7 (Moonshine)
Linux x86_64