Randy Ramsdell wrote:
Ok nice to be right back in the EXACT same position I was in several years ago regarding this motherboard and installing FC. I think it was FC3 that this first became an issue, but I was able to work around it and install FC. So now, I tried to install FC6/7 and I yet to find a way to get it installed. So now it has been a year or so without being able to run Fedora/CentOS. Please help as I really don't want to use Ubunto and especially not Suse. Anyone have an issue installing on the Asus board? Trying to install causes a seg fault when dealing with the hard drives either in BIOS setting compatibility mode or SATA mode. Anaconda shows the hard drives as "/dev/mapper" or something like that, but as you know, they should appear as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. All I ever see is a single "/dev/mapper" which suggests that Anaconda sees a raid array even after I fdisk the drives. Of coarse this also rendered the system unusable after the seg fault resulted in a reboot.
Here is a link regarding someone trying the inverse and coming up with a solution installing FC5. I see later you refer to your motherboard model.
http://www.planetamd64.com/index.php?showtopic=23187 Excerpt from later posting.
Oops sorry. I put it in the previous post subject. It is an Asus p4p-800 deluxe.
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