I am not certain if this is a problem with FC6 or my machine.
The machine is a 3ghz Intel hyperthread cpu on an Intel motherboard.
I have a dvd burner on /dev/hda.
After burning dvds for a while, burning will wedge. There will be a
message in /var/log/messages about a soft lockup on cpu 1. The system
still runs, but the dvd drive no longer works and I get tons of "drive not
ready" errors until I reboot.
Disabling hyperthread does not help. i get the same problem on CPU 0 and
the system is MUCH harder to use until I reboot.
Not certain if this is the kernel being wonky or my machine. Has anyone
seen this?
I have two S-ATA drives and 4 IDE drives on the machine. The DVD drive is
an IDE drive. (There were not any SATA burners when I bought the drive.
At least, not where I got it.)
I have also seen problems when there is a lot of drive activity. Things
slow down a lot. Much more than they did with earlier kernels. Part of
this was Beagle. (Which I removed.) It wanted to index EVERYTHING. The
index was 1.7gig.
Ideas? Should this go into bugzilla? What other details are needed?
"ANSI C says access to the padding fields of a struct is undefined.
ANSI C also says that struct assignment is a memcpy. Therefore struct
assignment in ANSI C is a violation of ANSI C..."
- Alan Cox