Hello Michael,
How do I get pine?
I tried "yum provides pine" and got lots of output,
but none of it seemed to point to pine.
I got the same amount of joy looking for elm.
Any ideas?
Yes. Head to http://rpm.livna.org/rlowiki/
Then, under the header "Repository RPMS", click on the red link for your
installed version of Fedora. Mine is the first one "Fedora 7 repository
RPM", since I have Fedora 7.
Go ahead and download and install that rpm. Then, type "yum install pine".
You should be good to go! BTW, pine is not in the repos since the
creators at the University of Washington put some sort of license or
copyright on it, IIRC. I hope that helps!
Gilbert Sebenste ********
(My opinions only!) ******