Francois wrote:
I plan to change the graphic card I've run for years now, which is a Matrox
G450 Dual Head (I don't use that feature though), to a GeForce 6200/6200TC
from Twintech Graphics (6200 AGP, 256Mo DVI+TV DDR2)
What do I have to do to be sure I won't have any problem with that switch ?
Do I have to backup something first ? to download a driver (rpm but which
one) ? to install something before the switch ?
Do I have to keep installed both graphic cards into the computer at least at
the beginning ?
I run Fedora Core 6.
Thank you in advance. Francois
I have never done this but today the Fedora kernels have just about
every graphic card known in them. But yours sounds a bit special so
there may be a problem. The way to do it will be to open the computer
while it is turned off, remove your current card and put in the new card
and boot your FC6.
With any luck it will work fine and your done. If not you can fall back
to your old card.
Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
Linux User