hello All, Thanks Timothy for help.. here is the output that i got from the various commands [root@localhost ~]# hcitool inq Inquiring ... 00:19:4F:06:EE:E9 clock offset: 0x26f5 class: 0x5a0204 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC clock offset: 0x679a class: 0x72010c [root@localhost ~]# hcitool dev Devices: hci0 11:11:11:11:11:11 [root@localhost ~]# hcitool scan Scanning ... 00:19:4F:06:EE:E9 Nokia 6085 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC UdayanStorage [root@localhost ~]# hcitool info 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC Requesting information ... BD Address: 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC Device Name: UdayanStorage LMP Version: 2.0 (0x3) LMP Subversion: 0x41cf Manufacturer: Broadcom Corporation (15) Features: 0xff 0xff 0x8f 0xfe 0x9b 0xf9 0x00 0x80 <3-slot packets> <5-slot packets> <encryption> <slot offset> <timing accuracy> <role switch> <hold mode> <sniff mode> <park state> <RSSI> <channel quality> <SCO link> <HV2 packets> <HV3 packets> <u-law log> <A-law log> <CVSD> <paging scheme> <power control> <transparent SCO> <broadcast encrypt> <EDR ACL 2 Mbps> <EDR ACL 3 Mbps> <enhanced iscan> <interlaced iscan> <interlaced pscan> <inquiry with RSSI> <extended SCO> <EV4 packets> <EV5 packets> <AFH cap. slave> <AFH class. slave> <3-slot EDR ACL> <5-slot EDR ACL> <AFH cap. master> <AFH class. master> <EDR eSCO 2 Mbps> <EDR eSCO 3 Mbps> <3-slot EDR eSCO> <extended features> [root@localhost ~]# hcitool rssi 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC Not connected. [root@localhost ~]# hcitool link 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC [root@localhost ~]# hcitool clkoff 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC Not connected. [root@localhost ~]# hcitool auth 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC Not connected. [root@localhost ~]# hcitool key 00:1A:6B:14:BB:BC Not connected. [root@localhost ~]# So it looks to me that my bluetooth device is working :). Now how do i go about doing the pairing, and figuring out services available ? If you can refer me to any documentation that would be helpful for understanding the aboe it would be great. Thanks, Udayan