David Timms wrote:
Bob Goodwin wrote:
Is there no easy way to get all these keys installed in
/etc/yum.repos.d other than gpgcheck=0 ?
That isn't a good idea.
kdelibs-3.5.7-8.fc 100% |=========================| 18 MB 01:45
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID
GPG key retrieval failed: [Errno 5] OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or
directory: '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/kde-redhat.RPM-GPG-KEY'
{If you are on F7, you should find fairly
up2date kde packages within the normal fedora {everything}
Else, you could apply a commandline option to your yum command. find it
by typing yum in a terminal prompt {..gpg..}. You want to be extremely
sure that that package you are installing is what it appears to be.
My approach is to have /etc/yum.conf have keepcache=1, then try to yum
install a package - this gets the package downloaded to the yum cache.
Then use rpm to install it: rpm -Uvh /var/cache/yum/......
For the one you are seeing, I imagine you might have installed a
kde-redhat-release style of package. This has extracted the repo's gpg
key into /etc/pki, but has not installed it into the rpm database. This
is done with: rpm --import /path/to/key/file
btw you can list installed keys with:
rpm -qai gpg\*
This is F-7 barely 24 hours since install from
DVD and everything seems to work without much effort except for this
problem. I use XFCE and I may not have told it to install KDE, only
Gnome? I will check on that later. But perhaps that's why I didn't
get the KDE key which was needed to install K3B this morning via yum?
The /etc/yum.repo.d file I used I copied from another F-7 installation
but it may have been originally from FC-6, I'm losing track of what
I've been doing. Most of my time for the last day has been spent
getting things configured and this was the first problem with yum.
I will try the things you suggest ...
Bob Goodwin