No, the power management should be yes. Can you find the cpu frequency applet ad slow down the cpu frequency with the applet?
Yes there is a cpu frequency applet it supports two frequencies 800 and 1600MHz. Usually machine runs at 800Mhz. I think AMD Turion processor has more frequency states. But only two are visible. When I see the what all types of governors are available, I see there are three governors $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors ondemand userspace performance My machine uses ondemand. I googled how man types of governors are available in some link I found there are 5 governors. "conservative, ondemand, powersave, userspace, performance". As I am an end user I don't know much. But I want to know what I am getting is normal or not? Even I do have a Nvidia graphics card its core temperature is always reaches about 70 degree Centigrade. I think this is the one which heats up my machine a lot. Regards -- G V Manu