I was told that if I did this my FC6 would let me look at DVD movies:
If you're happy to run patent encumbered software then you can configure
the livna repository by installing the rpm at:
..and then run
yum install totem-xine
..to install a version of totem which can play DVDs.
Well I did all this and had to use "rpm -e --nodeps totem before I
could yum totem-xine which turns out is 6 rpm files with success. But it
seemed to work.
But when I put the free DVD I picked up on the counter of a Mc
Donalds store it again complains about a lack of drivers and will not
show the DVD. Of course the DVD can be shown on FC4 and WindowsXP and on
the DVD player hooked to our big computer.
The reason stated for the problem is that all DVD's are having
protection from theft. Since the one I am trying was free, what IS going on?