Re: Window manager gone again?

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Karl Larsen wrote:
Knute Johnson wrote:
I ran yum today and did a bunch of updates. I was hoping that it would fix the problem of the nvidia driver being started twice but it didn't. The nvidia logo screen displays before all the startup messages and again before it asks for your user name and password. Now when I finally log in the windows have no title bar. Typing 'metacity' in a terminal fixes it but only for that session. If I switch to my Xfce window manager it works fine but when I come back to gnome it is hosed. Any ideas where to start to try to fix this?


Hi Knute, love that name. I'm Danish and my dad when he went through Ellis Island they "fixed" his name from Frode to Fred.
   You didn't mention which version of Fedora you have. Please tell us 
that. Your problem sounds very serious and may require a new loading 
of your computer.
   I am using Fedora Core 6 and right now and for the last 6 hours I 
have been getting 600 MB of updates in 450 packages. Takes a lot of time.
   After the updates my computer may not come up at all :-)

Karl Larsen

My grandfather Sven Johanson got his name changed to Swan Johnson.  It 
was the US Army that did it to him though :-).  He made it through Ellis 
Island unscathed.  And the trenches in France too for that matter.
F7.  And it seems to have fixed itself now.  I don't know what is up 
with this thing.
Thanks for your interest though.


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