Hello list! I have a small local network with 4 desktop machines, some acting as servers for backup and mythtv. I have to laptop computers attached to this network as well, they are HP Pavilion DV9208NR machines. For a long time I have used passwordless ssh logins to run rsyncs and such, I also manage the computers in the network with connections through ssh. The problem, I have generated the id_dsa keys with the following command: ssh-keygen -t dsa -f .ssh/id_dsa I then copy the resulting .ssh/id_dsa.pub file to the remote machines with the following command: scp id_dsa.pub user@remote:~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub Substituting the correct username/remote pair. I then log into the remote machine with the following command: ssh user@remote Again, substituting the correct username/remote pair. I then add the pub key to the authorized_keys2 file with this command: cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys2 I chmod the file 0640 on the authorized_keys2 file. Now, when I log out of that host and log back into that host I am not challenged for a password as it should be, except the first laptop. Again, the two laptops are identical as far as hardware is concerned, and the install ssh packages are the same. The two mahcines are named linbook1 and linbook2 and I can ssh from linbook1 > linbook2 without a password challenge. I cannot ssh from linbook2 > linbook1 without getting a challenge. Both machines have the following ssh software installed. openssh-askpass-4.5p1-6.fc7 openssh-clients-4.5p1-6.fc7 openssh-4.5p1-6.fc7 openssh-server-4.5p1-6.fc7 Both are running Fedora 7. I have made sure there is no difference between the /etc/ssh/sshd_config files. I have made sure to restart the sshd daemon. I have deleted the authorized_keys2 file and recreated the key, 4 times now, and setup the passwordless login but it still challenges me for a password when going from linbook2 > linbook1. I have know clue why. Any Ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. -- John Registered Linux User 263680, get counted at http://counter.li.org