Re: two questions from a novice

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At 8:20 PM -0400 6/11/07, Jace Carlson wrote:
First, I've had this problem with Firefox (under Fedora Core 6) for a
few weeks, and it is annoying.  I am unable to find a fix on my own, so
I'll ask here: I upgraded to the most recent 1.5.x release, and after a
few uses, the next time I start the browser, I get a dialog stating "!
Error launching browser window: no XBL binding for browser" -- click OK
and it shuts down.
Have you rebooted since upgrading?  I had a problem recently on FC6 with
(IIRC) bonobo-activation-server running amok and using lots of memory.
Logging out and back in can cure such transient issues, and so will
Rebooted several times. I can uninstall and reinstall and it will work immediately... for a few hours, and then it will give me the "no XBL binding" message again and I will be stuck. Reboot after it is stuck, and the error remains.
Second, I'm one of those unlucky few who doesn't have a DVD burner, so
after downloading Fedora 7, I am unable to install it.  I have a single
hard drive and a dual boot configuration with Win XP and Fedora Core 6.
I have a copy of the iso on both NTFS and Ext3.  When I boot to the
installer, it gives me the option of installing from the hard drive...
but no matter where I put the iso under XP or FC6, I am unable to find
it.  The help file says to mount the iso using the following command:
"su -c 'mount -o loop =t iso9660 <isofilename> <mountpoint>' provided
that <mountpoint> physically exists.  That works wonderfully...  while I
remain under FC 6, but when I boot to the installer, no such mount point
can be found.
You don't need to loopback mount the ISO to install from it.  What you do
need is to be able to mount the partition the ISO is on.  I don't know if
you can do that from NTFS or LVM volumes.  I do such installs from a FAT32
Help file specifically recommends NTFS because it can handle large files. And the mount command came from:
I agree that I need to mount the partition that the iso is on...  I 
cannot figure out how to do that once I boot to the install image.  I 
boot, it gives me option to install, then it wants the source on a local 
hard drive.   /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3 are my options.  sda1 is the 
NT partition, and even if the iso is sitting in the root, the installer 
cannot find it.  sda2 is the /boot partition, which is too small to hold 
the iso.  sda3 is the linux partition, and no matter where I put the 
iso, the installer cannot find it.
Very specifically, I do not know how to make it find the iso -- even tho 
it is right in front of my nose ;)
So...  I have 3 copies of the F7 iso within inches of where I need to
get to it in order to install/upgrade, but I can't for the life of me
figure out what to do next.  I refuse to use the "online" option again,
as I don't want to pull out any more hair than I already have on an
idiotic installer that doesn't even know how to handle an internet hiccup.
File a bug against Anaconda.  Sure, others have files such bugs, but more
complaints may finally lead to action.
I just filed two for anaconda. I didn't find anything really relevant in prior tickets, so I created new ones.
Thanks for your help so far!

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