Re: help with Fedora core 7 dial-up connection

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Claude Jones wrote:

Pete Cull x2315 wrote:
I do remember that in a Windows XP Pro environment the
USR5610B did appear as COM3 which translated to /dev/ttys2 or
/dev/ttys3. Then, I seem to remember that we needed to link
/dev/modem with /dev/ttys3 or /dev/ttys2.
This reminded me of something. With my 5610b, it was NOT being
assigned ttys2 or ttys3 as was to be expected but a higher one.
I don't have any /dev/ttys* devices.

As I recall, I ascertained the tty assignment by running "kudzu -p"
and then created a symlink between that ttys# and /dev/modem
Please find the attached output from "kudzu -p".
It did find the modem but I don't which, if any, /dev/tty* device is associated with it.

Attachment: kudzu.out
Description: Binary data

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