From: "Charles Curley" <charlescurley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "For users of Fedora" <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: help with starting Fedora core 7 gdm
Date: Saturday, June 09, 2007 9:38 PM
E. Robert Tisdale wrote:
I installed Fedora Core 7 on an older PC.
I selected the graphical version of the installer
but it automatically switched to the text version
(probably because it didn't recognize my monitor).
I tried to install everything (custom install)
but, when I re-booted, it didn't start gdm
and it didn't prompt me for a [non-root] user.
I created an account for myself with useradd.
How do get it to start gdm
when I boot Fedora Core 7?
Likely anaconda set you up to use run level 3.
Try running "startx" and see what happens.
Or, as root, run "gdm".
I did that. It seems to work.
If that fails,
I've found that installing X may not install the driver
you need, so that could be a problem.
We'll want the output from "lspci" to help further
if that is the problem.
If running startx is sucessful,
you can make it permanent.
Check /etc/inittab for this line:
If you see a 3 in there, then, as root, change it to a 5.
That seems to have done it.