Hello All, I've been using Linux for years but this my adventure into software RAID. Anaconda in both FC6 and FC7 dies with an exception when RAID5 is chosen. Hardware: Dell Power Edge SC 430 Pentium 4 512 MB RAM three 250 GB SATA II drives on the MoBo controller no hardware or pseudo-hardware RAID Start the installation Choose "Create custom layout" Configure the disk as: sda /boot 100 MB swap 512 MB Software RAID "Fill to maximum allowable size" sdb swap 512 MB Software RAID "Fill to maximum allowable size" sdc swap 512 MB Software RAID "Fill to maximum allowable size" Then "Create a RAID device" and choose RAID5 and select sda3 sdb2 sdc2 After checking if everything is OK and clicking "Next" I get "exception occurred..this is most likely a bug." When I put FC7 on sda using LVM and use sdb and sdc for RAID1 during setup I do not get the above error. While Googling for a solution I read that Anaconda uses dmraid which does not support RAID5. If this is true then why does Anaconda give RAID5 as choice? Also is there away to use mdadm instead of dmraid? Thanks in advanced. -- Dr. Don Harden Department of Chemistry Georgia State University ph: (404) 651-3580