Re: F7 & ATI

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The only way to use fglrx drivers with F7 is to install a FC6 version
of the xorg-x11-server-Xorg package.

ATI proprietary drivers do no work with the Xorg server packaged with F7.

(By the way, I have a x700 card, don't know if a x1300 will work or not).


On 6/4/07, Mike Chambers <mike@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Has anyone gotten Fedora 7 & The latest ATI working together, especially
if using a x1300 card?  Was going to install freshrpms package but he
doesn't have it packaged up yet, just the older version.

Anyone isntalled it straight from ati's web site and gotten it to work,
and if so, with or without desktop effects turned on?

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

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