Kam Leo wrote:
On 6/1/07, Frode Petersen <fropeter@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
ne... wrote:
> Now I do not share /home as problems may occur, however my UIDs and
> GIDs are consistent across distros. I guess you can share /tmp as it
Just a suggestion, maybe someone could verify or rebutt...I have not
tried this.
If you take care at keeping UIDs and GIDs consistent, I think it would
be safe to
1. Keep all your work files in a ~/work directory on the home partition.
2. In the second OS, mount the home partition to something like
3. symlink the work directory into your new home directory.
Or maybe
1. Use a separate partition for /home/<username>/work
2. Edit /etc/fstab to mount this on the OS' you want it available in.
The configuration files for all the apps and other things will be in the
home partitions belonging to the respective OS'.
Caveats, anyone?
I would forgo using LVM and use only EXT3. Sharing the home partition
is not recommended bcause applications and settings vary and change
for each distro version. Create a unique partition and share it via
The point of the procedures I described was to separate work from
settings and share only the work between OS'. The different OS' would
have their separate /home directories to hold settings and so on.
If there is a server somewhere, I agree to using it to hold the work
files, but if the OP needed to share work files between OS' on one
computer, that might not be the solution he's looking for.
All good in theory, but..? :-)