Re: leftover fc6 rpms after fedora 7 upgrade

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Rick Stevens wrote:
On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 11:17 -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 19:48:40 -0600,
  Frank Cox <theatre@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
After upgrading this computer from FC6 to Fedora 7 I see that I have several
left-over FC6 rpms that didn't get replaced for some reason:
If you upgraded without using the everything repository some of these may
be things that were superceded in extras.

You might want to get a list of all of the everything rpms and see which
of these aren't on that list.
Some packages weren't changed by F7 and the names will still contain
".fc6".  This is very clearly stated in the release notes, which should
be mandatory reading by anyone installing (or upgrading to) F7.  I

8.5. Packages with ".fc6" Tag
There have not been any major changes in the toolchain in Fedora 7.
Therefore, some packages in Fedora 7 might retain ".fc6" in the release
tag if they have been inherited from the previous release without any
changes. Fedora maintainers have not rebuilt these packages for Fedora 7
to avoid making end users download the packages for only a release tag
change. This measure ensures that the robustness is not affected by any
potential changes evoked by rebuilds. This naming of packages is merely
cosmetic, and does not in any way affect the functionality of the
Read the release notes.  Please!

- Rick Stevens, Principal Engineer             rstevens@xxxxxxxxxxxx -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
-                                                                    -
-   Never test for an error condition you don't know how to handle.  -

Will these packages be in the F7 directories on the mirrors? Or if we want to find these packages do we have to look at FC6 packages?
Due to the move to M$ Exchange Server,
   anything that is a priority, please phone.
Robin Laing

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