I don't have a DVD-R so I tried to install F7 via the network installation on my Mac Mini G4. The iso booted successfully. After I entered the ftp server and it's path it started anaconda just fine. After I did the partitioning the installer tried to download the installation packages that it can't find and aborted. I switched to tty3 to see the log and saw this: 19:05:40 WARNING Try 10/10 for ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/%2F/pub/linux/fedora-enchilada/linux/releases/7/ppc/os/Fedora/hunspell-1.1.5-2.fc7.ppc.rpm failed I see what the problem is. There is a "/%2F" behind the ftp server. Does any body know how to fix this? cheers, Jan -- UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who it's friends are.