Re: Release of FC 7 - tommorow.

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There could have been a more polite way to correct me, rather than
being the smart arse you are so proudly and arrogantly proving to be!

Thanks for the knowledge though!

On 31/05/07, Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
sizo nsibande <ooziss <at>> writes:
> I have to say, I am anciouse to start my download of this new release
> tommorow.

If you're really waiting for Fedora _Core_ 7, you'll be waiting forever, as
there will be no such release. ;-)

Fedora 7 (_no_ "Core") is still scheduled for today/tomorrow (May 31), and as
all that needs to be done at this point is flagging the directories open on the
mirrors already having it (and hoping the slow ones hurry up with
syncing ;-) ), no slip is expected at this point.

        Kevin Kofler

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