Do any of these three sections from my logwatch give indication that someone is trying to get into my system? Are there other files on my system that will show more than what was placed in my logwatch? Where will I find them? --------------------- Selinux Audit Begin ------------------------ *** Denials *** system_u user_u (dir): 2 times system_u user_u (file): 2 times ---------------------- Selinux Audit End ------------------------- --------------------- Automount Begin ------------------------ **Unmatched Entries** create_udp_client: hostname lookup failed: No such process: 1 Time(s) lookup_mount: exports lookup failed for .directory: 1 Time(s) create_tcp_client: hostname lookup failed: No such process: 1 Time(s) ---------------------- Automount End ------------------------- --------------------- httpd Begin ------------------------ Requests with error response codes 404 Not Found /appserv/main.php?appserv_root=http://195. ... rv/test/a.txt?&: 2 Time(s) ---------------------- httpd End ------------------------- -- Registered Linux User 342662