Re: amarok problem with .flac

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On 19/05/07, oleksandr korneta wrote:

on 05/18/2007 09:28 AM Michael Schwendt wrote:
> On 18/05/07, oleksandr korneta wrote:
>> and what do I have to install in order to be able to play .flac files
>> with latest amarok? I periodically gain and loose this ability with
>> every update.
> Where is the bug report about that?
> FLAC is free and included with Fedora Core 6. Xine supports .flac
> files, and so does Amarok. But perhaps you meant to ask why *some*
> .flac files don't play? Compare with e.g.
> -- help looking into it.

No. I mean that in my case *none* of .flac files is playable by amarok.
However, this might be my case. "So it's the fact there is an ID3v2 tag
on the file that causes xine not to play it."
( Although, I do not have any
.flac files without id3v2 to test. How do I strip out the tag from the
.flac file?

Hm... And what would be the use of untagged files anyway?
Are you aware that "id3" comes from "Identify an MP3"?

You have a feature-request for an application to support id3 tags on
another file format. explains

id3 is a data container format that even breaks with some audio
container formats. FLAC -- the audio format itself -- *may* work just
fine together with implementations of id3v2, but developers of FLAC
libraries and/or developers of audio applications still need to
implement it first and not violate compliance.

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