Re: Sound problems

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Anne Wilson wrote:
On Thursday 17 May 2007, david walcroft wrote:
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Tuesday 15 May 2007, Timothy Murphy wrote:
david walcroft wrote:
I have got the sound going via alsamixer but have found the problem
lies in KDE,testing the sound in control centre/system notifications.
works but not with progamme sound i:e "minimize" "close window"
Not really relevant, but my experience is the opposite.
I had no sound at all until I went to Control Centre=>Sound & Multimedia
=>Sound System , where I found "Enable the Sound System" was off.
After turning it on, and setting the "Auto-suspend if idle" to 0
seconds, I get noises all the time, to the annoyance of others in the
I haven't been following this thread, but this statement caught my eye. I always set "Auto-suspend if idle" to 1 second, and found it helpful. (This from the time when I first discovered that aRts hogs the system
unless you do this.)  HTH

I think I've found a problem with this error

"Impossible to start aRts with realtime priority because artswrapper is
missing or disabled"

How do I restart artswrapper,it's in /usr/bin.

In a root console,


I would think


Okay I tried that,all it did was to kill all sounds - mplayer,soundcard detection, I stopped artswrapper and every thing works except KDE sounds [KDE starting up,KDE window opens]
Thanks   david

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