Re: tcpdump command

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Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
Thanks Andy

so running this command tcpdump -i eth0 -s 1500 -w dump host <> will give me the network traffic between src host to destination host
and destination host to src host

is that correct what i understand

Thanks and Regards


On 5/18/07, *Andy Green* <andy@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:andy@xxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
    Kaushal Shriyan wrote:
    > Hi
    > I have to capture network traffic between an appliance and
    content server
    > using tcpdump command and then dump to a file and read and
    decode it using
    > wireshark
    > How do i proceed
    > I have used tcpdump -i eth0 -s 1500 -w dump src host
    <> and dst
    > host <>
    > when i read the dump capture file using wireshark i could only
    see packets
    > being sent from src host to destination host, I could not see
    any packets
    > being sent from destination host to src host.

    You specified what you wanted too tightly... ONLY packets coming FROM
    ('src host') <> and going TO ('dst
    host') <>.

    Just using

    -i eth0 -s 1500 -w dump host <>

    will get you what you want: see

    man tcpdump


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As was pointed out, this will get you all traffic from or to with the other host in the IP packet unspecified.
If you really want to be particular, try:

tcpdump -i eth0 -s 1500 -w dump host <> and host <>

which, as you might guess from extrapolating the logic in the other examples described, will give you all traffic where the source or destination is AND the
source or destination is  This would give you all traffic
between the hosts in either direction. If you really analyze the logic, it will
also give you all traffic between and itself, and likewise
all traffic between and itself THAT APPEARS ON eth0.  But
there will be no such traffic (barring really bizarre configurations) because
such traffic will never appear on the external network.

Hope that helps

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